Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

belajar bahasa inggris yukkkk..... Part II.

                Do you have a cafeteria in your School? We have a cafeteria in our school. There are many tables and chairs. The students eat in the cafeteria. The teachers eat there, too.
                What is the title of the paragraph?
a.      Your school
b.      Students eat in cafeteria
c.       Our cafeteria

                Wati takes the bus to school every morning. Today she is waiting for the bus with her friend, Ratna. “Where is that number twelve bus?” Ratna  asks. “It’s late, and our teacher doesn’t like it when we’re late.”
                What is the title of the story?
a.       Late bus and late students
b.      Going to school
c.       Twelve bus

                                                Cafeteria                             =             kafetaria
                                                Wait for                                =             menunggu
                                                Late                                       =             terlambat

My friend’s family has many television sets in their home. There is a television in every bedroom and colour television in the living room. There is a television set in the kitchen, too.
                What is the main idea?
a.      There is a television in every bedroom
b.      My friend’s family has many television sets.
c.       There is a colour television in the living room.

Bed room            = kamar tidur
Living room         = ruang tamu

                The teacher said to the class, “Today we are going to learn how to write a letter. First you write your address. Then you write “Dear” and the name of the person you are writing to.”
                What is the main idea?
a.       You write your address first.
b.      You open the letter with “Dear” and a name.
c.       The teacher was telling the class how to write a letter.

                When you read something you like the time goes very ………….. I like to read. I sit and read a night for a long time. When my mother says, “Go to bed now,” I think it isn’t late. I tell her, “Let me read until ten o’clock.”
                She laughs and says, “It is ten o’clock.”
                Complete the paragraph!
a.       Slowly                   b. Long                 c. Fast

Go to bed                    = pergi tidur!
Until              = hingga
Laugh            = tertawa

Islam has been built on five pillars: testifying that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, performing the prayer, paying the zakat, fasting in Ramadhan, and making the pilgrimage to Mecca (It was lated by al-Bukhari and Muslim).
        What is the main idea?
a.      Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
b.      Islam has been built.
c.       The five pillars of Islam.

                The following sentence is the main idea.
                What are the details?  A, b, or c?
                “Ismail thinks he’s popular, but he’s not.”
a.       He’s listening to records. He has something to do. He has nice friends.
b.      He’s good student. He learns a lot. He likes the teacher.
c.       He’s too proud. He’s ugly. He talks too much.

Pillar              = rukun
Testify          = bersaksi
Messenger = rasul
Fast                = puasa

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